Pi to 3.11..
Just updated the Raspberry Pi to kernel 3.11, using the source code available (linux-rpi-3.11.y) on GitHub, with a couple of minor hacks..
As seems to often be the case, there were a couple of source/config files missing:
drivers/net/ethernet/Kconfig is missing, so.. just copy one from the older 3.10.x tree..
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `net/mac80211/chan.o’, needed by `net/mac80211/mac80211.o’. Stop.
make[1]: *** [net/mac80211] Error 2
make: *** [net] Error 2
so.. copy chan.c from the 3.10.x tree to /net/mac80211/
After that, the compile completes OK, and the Pi boots with 3.11:
$ uname -a
Linux rgpi 3.11.0-pi #1 PREEMPT Mon Sep 9 22:17:43 BST 2013 armv6l armv6l armv6l GNU/Linux
Robert Gadsdon. September 9, 2013
So, wow! You have managed to get the 3.11 kernel working an the raspi? Just: Wow!
I tried this, too. But unfortunately I failed. I must admit I am a newbie in linux and have to learn a lot of things. Especially compiling the programs I want to use in my raspi.
Do you have a hint for me to get this working, too? Are there any special configurations you applied to the kernel? Is there some sort of tutorial in the internet to get the compiling accomplished?
Thanks for your time.