I worked for Hewlett-Packard for over 18 years, in the UK and USA, and was one of the original members of HP’s Linux marketing organisation, at Cupertino, and participated in LinuxWorld in San Francisco and New York, and the Altanta Linux Showcase, and the Linux Showcase (Oakland), in the early-2000s..
I have been working with Linux for over 20 years now(!), since 1997, and have used it as my primary desktop since 1998..
This will document my Linux-related activities, including other architectures (ARMv7, ARM64, IA64), and anything else interesting that comes along!
Apologies.. I cut/pasted your name only, but unintentionally got the email ‘link’ as well.. Now removed.
Hello Bob,
Bruce Dunton here! A few of us at the LVRC have reunited on Facebook. Would be delighted if you would like to join us. JMF, ‘Birdman’ etc. Let me know!
Hi Robert
I love the passion for Opensource.
I also have a dreamplug and I’d like to know the steps you go thru to update the kernel on the DP. Any chance of blogging about the steps and best practices as I’m not sure where to start.
Thanks in advance
Hello there, saw all your posts on your linux adventures with SOC boards and desktop.
I am not a developer, just a user who try to tweak or customize stuff, I am using 2 Odroid U3 and a Raspberry Pi, the arm support for Pi is very good but I feel that hardkernel isn’t that much supportive for linux tools and images as it is for Android.
Many times I’ve tried to install the latest kernel for Debain armhf and Arch armhf but I failed even I tried multiple guides, so is there any chance you that can share your built kernels for U2/U3 with us or post a step by step guide, only if you got time.
Hi Robert,
Are you available for consulations?
Hi Inas,
I’m looking for opportunities, but I should mention that my expertise is in technical marketing/multinational business development, not programming, as many seem to assume!
It seems like you have done quite a bit of board testing and that’s what I am interested in exploring. Other opportunities maybe come up as well. How can I get in touch. Perhaps we can share contact info over email?
My contact email is robt201108gmail.com.. I am based in the SF Bay Area, near Oakland..
Hi Robert,
thanks for your blog entries about Odroid C2. I’m not a beginner, but I don’t get the grab to compile a 4.10-kernel on Odroid C2. As far as I can see, your mentioned patches are merged into rc8. But I need a complete instruction how to compile and install a 4.10 kernel.
My problem with “stock” 3.14.79 is the USB stack. Better in 4.10?
I have read several posts that claim that USB ‘works’ on the C2, for some time, but USB on mine is still very unreliable..
How to boot Linux on Odroid-C2 u-boot? I need the kernel and the root filesystem?
Hi Robert
Are you the same Robert G who owns the copyright to steam engine photos?
I have a flickr account, and youtube.. The similar logos/headers etc. are a giveaway..
This started happening with Linux 5.5, with both older patched nvidia drivers and with 440.59. It seems to be due to changes in the audio driver to support displayport MST and probably isn’t directly dependent on the video driver, but I couldn’t say that for sure.
hdmi noaudio with pulseaudio and Linux 5.5
Full Real Time Preemption + NVidia proprietary drivers
But proprietary NVIDIA drivers didn’t install properly. All what I had – just a black screen with any reaction after loading video driver.
https://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/5.6/patch-5.6.10-rt5.patch.gz + NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-440.82.run
Am I right in spotting the capital “I” in the Copyright and Trademarks.. tab at the top of this page? ..or is that a Linux command I don’t know?
It is actually lower case, but a very poorly-designed/rendered font…
Just an FYI regarding the nvidia driver and kernels 5.13.4 and 5.13.5.
Tried installing with these kernels (Fedora 34) and kept getting “Exec Format Error”.
Fedora 34 kernel-devel installed (current default installation) was 5.15.3 which was probably the issue.
I downgraded the kernel to 5.11.12-300 with matching kernel-devel manually installed and nvidia driver worked fine. Might be of interest to others experiencing this issue.
FYI, if you can post comments under an appropriate article, it will be seen by more people..
Someone is asking why you don’t have TLS / https enabled for your websites.
Too expensive, and completely unnecessary.
Hey, thanks for maintaining these VMWare module patches. It would be nice if VMWare would just work on getting these upstreamed, but I doubt that will ever happen.