Pi to 3.8.3 OK, but 3.9-rc2 Hack Fails..
Just updated the Raspberry Pi to kernel 3.8.3, by applying the incremental patch, from ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.0/incr/patch-3.8.2-3.bz2
Fedora release 18 (Spherical Cow)
Kernel 3.8.3-pi on an armv6l (ttyAMA0)
# uname -a
Linux rgpi 3.8.3-pi #2 Sun Mar 17 20:27:05 GMT 2013 armv6l armv6l armv6l GNU/Linux
Attempts to ‘hack’ 3.9-rc2 by applying the standard kernel.org patch to my Pi version of 3.8.0 have resulted in far too many compile-time errors, and I’m certainly not enough of a kernel code expert to fix them!..
The ‘official’ Pi kernel code is still based on 3.6.11 (which is EOL), and hopefully there will be a more up-to-date kernel version available soon.. In case you want to try the 3.8.x ‘update’ that I have described in this and earlier posts, remember that it is a patch of a messy hack of a patch of a two-month-old fork, of 3.7.1!
Robert Gadsdon. March 17th, 2013.
Pi to 3.8.3 OK, but 3.9-rc2 Hack Fails.. — No Comments