
ARM – At Last, a Modern System.. — 2 Comments

  1. Kernel compilation works just great actually — I use my XU and U3 to test out kernels for v7 a lot, definitely not as fast as with distcc but not that long either, 10-15 minutes usually.

    Now if we can just get Hardkernel to release an ODROID laptop with a 1080p+ resolution lcd 😀

    • I just compiled my first kernel on the U3 – – using the old ‘make zImage’, and it works fine… I remember using distcc on a network of (old) PIIIs and PIIs years ago!

      Quite a novelty, to actually have an ARM system I can (easily) compile kernels on.. I’ve looked at the 3.12.8 code on GitHub, but it seems to be a work-in-progress, and mainly for the XU at present? Nice to actually have a uboot that can support the device tree / dtb boot properly, although I haven’t got round to testing that, yet..


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