NVIDIA – New 410 Patch – With Hotplug Support..
Thanks to Alberto Milone, there is now a patch for the latest NVIDIA driver, which is reported to include ‘hotplug’ support :https://pkgs.rpmfusion.org/cgit/nonfree/nvidia-kmod.git/plain/kernel_4.10.patch
I can confirm that this compiles OK when applied to driver 378.13, with kernel 4.10. I am not able to test hotplug functionality, as I do not have a suitable system.. So.. YMMV…
Thanks to Tomas Pruzina for the info, and link..
Robert Gadsdon. February 22, 2017.
=> Version: 375.39
@dexter74 on dev nvidia
Not able to apply the patch for 375.39. May I kindly ask to publish here the correct procedure?
Hi Emanuele,
I did the following steps:
1.) extract the driver : ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-378.13.run -x
2.) Download the patch as kernel_4.10.patch in same directory where I extracted the driver
3.) cd ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-378.13.run -x
4.) patch -p1 < ../kernel_4.10.patch
5.) run the installer: ./nvidia-installer
after a reboot I was back in the game. Thank you all for the patch.
The trick was the parameter -p1, take a look to the man page for more info.
Best regards,
3.) cd ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-378.13.run -x
should have been
3.) cd NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-378.13/
but I think you figured that out by yourself already.
I run Fedora 25 with kernel 4.10
I try to follow your instructions but when i apply the command :
patch -p1 < ../kernel_4.10.patch
i have this message :
filip@fedora:~/Temp/nvidia$ ls
kernel_4.10.patch NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-378.13.run
filip@fedora:~/Temp/nvidia$ patch -p1 < ../kernel_4.10.patch
bash: ../kernel_4.10.patch: No such file or directory
What's wrong ?
This might have been fixed already, but I’ll leave a note for other potential victims.
patch -p1 < ../kernel_4.10.patch
should be
patch -p1 < ./kernel_4.10.patch
with a single dot.